Guide to Resolve Netgear WiFi Router Disconnection Issue

Netgear WiFi router disconnection

You are streaming the latest blockbuster from Amazon Prime using the Netgear WiFi router, but all you get is video buffering for a long time without any results. You try browsing Google and still the results are same. It goes without doubt that you are facing what is known in the networking world as Netgear WiFi router disconnection issue.

Netgear is one of the finest networking devices for business and individual needs. But, similar to other internet technological devices, even Netgear is prone to a few technical glitches. One of them being – Netgear WiFi router disconnecting from the internet now and then. Let us find out what causes Netgear router to behave this way.

Why You Face Netgear WiFi Router Disconnection Issue?

Given below are reasons why you might face this issue:

1. Insufficient Power Supply

Power supply is the first thing you need to ensure for proper functioning of the Netgear WiFi router. But, that does not mean you connect the device to a damaged or poorly functioning power outlet. Doing so will put the Netgear router at a risk of permanent hardware and software damage.

2. WiFi Interference

Keeping the Netgear WiFi router too near devices that emit wireless frequencies causes the router to disconnect from the network. These devices include cordless phones, microwave ovens, televisions, radios, Bluetooth speakers, washing machines, and baby monitors.

3. Incomplete Router Setup

Every step in the installation process of Netgear router has a specific function. If you skipped out on any of the steps while installing this networking device, it will have an impact when you try to connect to the internet.

4. Outdated Firmware

Like every other piece of networking hardware, Netgear also requires the latest firmware version to operate. But, if you have been ignoring the firmware updates for some time it will end up disrupting a smooth internet browsing experience. In other words, you will face the Netgear router keeps disconnecting issue.

5. Unstable Connection with Modem

Disconnection can happen if connection between the router and modem is not stable. Do not use a damaged Ethernet cable to connect the two devices as this has an impact on WiFi network connectivity.

Don’t lose hope! It is not the end of the world. You can still enjoy access to WiFi network by following a few simple tips. Given below are 5 tips to help you get rid of the Netgear WiFi Router Disconnection issue.

1. Proper Connection

There must be stable connection between the router and modem for you to enjoy internet access. If the two devices are connected through WiFi then make sure the distance between the two is neither too far nor too less.

2. Zero WiFi Interference

As said above, there are some devices which emit wireless frequencies. These can easily eat up the WiFi network bandwidth and cause internet access issues. Make sure your Netgear WiFi router is kept away from these devices. Do not keep the WiFi router inside a wooden cabinet or near to a wall as these also create hindrance in accessing the internet.

3. Updated Firmware

Using a Netgear WiFi router with outdated firmware is not something you should take lightly. Keeping the WiFi router updated with the latest firmware will always work in your favor. It provides the internet router with the latest WiFi security and protocols. Doing so will help you keep the Netgear router keeps disconnecting issue away.

4. Sufficient Power Supply

Insufficient power supply often leads to issues when you try to connect to the internet. If your Netgear router lights are not stable, bad power supply is the reason. To counter this, you should ensure the Netgear WiFi router is receiving fluctuation-free power supply. Continuous power supply ensures your router stays connected to the internet.

5. Complete Router Setup

When you install the Netgear WiFi router for your home internet connectivity, do not skip out on a single step during the process. Doing so ensures the process is complete and you are able to access the interner with ease.

The tips mentioned above will help you ensure the Netgear router does not goes offline for no reason.


The Netgear WiFi router ensures you enjoy seamless internet connectivity without any hiccups. But, to keep away the Netgear WiFi router disconnection issue you must follow the guidelines mentioned in this guide.

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